Don't want to return empty-handed from London: Deepika

Deepika KumariuKolkata: After her first World Cup individual recurve gold medal, female archer Deepika Kumari is now focusing more on shooting ahead of the London Olympics next month.

"I need to focus more on shooting and train keeping in mind the weather conditions in London...Need to master the style of play according to the wind," Deepika told mediapersons here Wednesday.

She said Koreans and Chinese would be the toughest opponents in the quadrennial showpiece. However, the change in rules have opened up the competition.

"Besides, you have USA and the Chinese Taipei as well. But looking down deeper, everyone may have an equal amount of chance as the change of rules have made the competition more open," said 17-year-old Deepika, who won the World Cup ((Stage II) gold medal Saturday in Antalya.

Asked about her Olympic prospects, Deepika asserted she did not want to return empty-handed.

"I don't want to rush after the gold medal..Rather, I would take every match as it comes.

"I want to create a situation so that I go on to become one of the serious contenders of a gold medal. Don't want to return empty-handed from London."

On her Antalya triumph, she said it was a happy moment as she had won silver till that time.

"I'm very happy on winning the World Cup, which will remain a precious moment in my life. The competition had several tough opponents from all over the world. So I had my task cut out.

"No wonder this had been my best effort so far in my career," she added. (IANS)