New Delhi: In India’s first fashion show dedicated to the glory of Indian wrestlers witnessed first of its kind Turban themed fashion show that got celebrated designers Rohit Bal, JJ Vallaya, Ashish Soni and Rohit Gandhi together to design apparels for ace Indian and International wrestlers. The fashion show organised by ProSportify marked the beginning of second season of Pro Wrestling League that will be played from December 15, 2016 in the country.
After the unparalleled success of the Pro Wrestling League Season 1, ProSportify along with Wrestling Federation of India set the ball rolling in some style today with top Olympians and World Champions walking the ramp in India’s first Turban themed Fashion Show. Star Olympic medallists like Sakshi Malik, Yogeshwar Dutt, Sofia Mattsson and Mariya Stadnik along with CWG medallist Yana Rattigan, Geeta Phogat, Babita Kumari and Bajrang Punia wore vibrant Turbans to mark the occasion depicting the rich Indian history of the headdress from various regions of the country.
Wrestlers ramped up the style quotient wearing collections from world class designers Rohit Bal, JJ Vallaya, Rohit Gandhi and Ashish Soni. It was a perfect platform, one where sports met fashion again.
Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, President, Wrestling Federation of India said, “Turbans have a rich image in Indian wrestling ethos. We are privileged to witness India’s rich history with star Olympians and World Champions today.”
Commenting on this, Kartikeya Sharma Founder & Promoter, ProSportify said, “we look forward to a great season 2 of PWL with continued strong relationships with WFI, sponsors and all our fans-and with only 41 days until show time we are thankful to the designers for supporting us in this unique endeavour and giving wrestlers a new look for today’s show .Uniquely styled fashion extravaganza that congregates the best of fashion and sports.”
Speaking at the occasion, Vishal Gurnani, Director, ProSportify said, “2016 is the Year of Wrestling. Be it Rio Olympics or Bollywood coming up with wrestling based blockbusters, the surround sound around wrestling is at its peak. With 31 days of action, PWL Season 2 is back and it’s going to bigger, bolder and better.”