Mumbai: Thanekars will soon witness sports extravaganza, ‘Veloraid 2016’ – India’s longest team cycling event. This widely famous team cycling event, in its 4th edition will trill up Thanekars, as the sporting event will witness more than 180 cyclists from India and foreign countries and India.
The event will be on 18th September. LakecityPedalers and Haybren Adventures the organisers of the event which introduced this event three years back are once again gearing up to make the fourth season a success. Special route with varying gradients in Thane is selected to encourage amateur cyclist to cover the race without much difficulty.
Lakecity Pedalers (LCP), a popular Cycling group and Haybren Events, a part of Haybren Adventures is one of the pioneers in spreading the awareness of cycling. They have been organising Veloraid since past three years. Jose George, Veloraid co-organiser and owner of Haybren Adventures, while announcing Veloraid 2016 said, “Our mission is to increase the number of serious cyclists in the region and offer a professional platform for Amateur cyclists to participate in a race that has all the elements of a professional team cycling event”.
Veloraid is a very popular concept amongst cyclists, where many professional cyclists go that extra mile to make the event memorable. Amateur cyclists get thorough training before the event. LCP ensures complete safety of riders, hencecycles and equipment’s worth over 1.5 crores will be used this year. Viewers will get a complete visual treat looking at the latest cycles.
In India, with the availability of world class cycling equipment and affordability by new generation, cycling is becoming a big sport with high participation. Jose added, “Cycling has great benefits on health.Besides as a competitive sport, we also encourage people to use cycles as a mode of transport”.
“In Veloraid 2016, cyclists will form 31 teams with 6 riders in each team and they will cover a gruelling distance of 180 kms from Thane to Vaitarna and back. Cyclists will have to ensure that they maintain 50 meters distance between first and last (trailing) team member. 180 cyclist from India and across, coming from various walks of life, including CEOs, professionals like architects and doctors, some from the armed forces and others from the corporate world and even housewives will participate,” said Joy Joseph one of the team member Veloraid.
This scenic race is sponsored by Isuzu Motors, Firefox Bikes, IDBI Bank, Jupiter Hospital, Eata Engineering, Wide Angle Photography, Sigma Sports, Enerzal, Rasa Initiative, Rite Bite, MTV and 70 bikers from Flying Squad will guard the riders. David Arambhan, TarunAbhichandani, SumanGhosh and Dilshad M J are the other core members who are working towards making this event successful.
Veloraid participants will cycle through the most scenic routes in Thane.