Chandigarh: Harsh Gangwar scored three-over 75 to share the fourth spot along with Tutul Ali who finished fifth during the first day of USHA IGU Delhi Juniors’,being played in Delhi.
On the first day, Kolkata’s Mohan Sardar left his elder colleagues behind after making a shot 2-under 70 to take the opening round lead in category B.
Delhi’s duo Abhishek Kuhar and Manu Gandas shared the lead in Category A with 2-over 74. Kuhar’s back nine saw gifted him three bogeys on 15th, 16th and 18th after a birdie on 12th but he failed to have the front nine.
In category A: Samar Singh Sandhu, Shubhankar Sharma and Tapendra Ghai all from Delhi shared the third place at 3-over 75 to take the third, fourth and fifth place respectively while their teammate Honey Baisoya, winner of East India Amateur Golf Championship last year, had a disappointed day as he shot 5-over 77 for the 10th place.