New Delhi: Upbeat from her sixth victory of the season, Vani Kapoor will start as the firm favourite in the 14th leg of the Hero Women’s Professional Golf Tour at the historic Delhi Golf Club. The INR 7,00,000 event featuring 18 professionals and lone amateur Shreya Ghei will be played from 27th to 29th September.
Delhi’s Vani Kapoor came up with yet another dominating performance at the Jaypee Greens to register her sixth victory of the season. She is currently placed second in the Hero Order of Merit with total earnings of INR 8,69,350 in nine appearances. She would be keen to sustain the winning run and regain the top position in the money list. A victory at DGC will also put Vani at par with Smriti Mehra, who holds the record for the maximum number of titles in a season.
Vani, however, will find Neha Tripathi, Amandeep Drall and Gursimar Badwal standing in her way. Neha currently leads the Hero Order of Merit with total earnings of INR 8,80,583 in 13 appearances. The Kolkata professional has two victories and three runner-up finishes this season. She will be eager to put up a strong performance and consolidate her position atop the money list.
Another strong contender for the title is Panchkula’s Amandeep Drall. She is currently placed third in the Hero Order of Merit list with total earnings of INR 8,43,534, winning three titles in 10 appearances. She will be hoping to put forth a strong display and move up the money list. Kapurthala’s Gursimar Badwal is currently placed fourth in the Hero Order of Merit with total earnings of INR 8,04,200 in 13 appearances and one title this season. She has been guilty of faltering at key moments on multiple occasions and will be keen to make amends.
Other players in the fray will be the Delhi’s Ankita Tiwana, Chandigarh’s Saaniya Sharma and Pune’s Shweta Galande. The event will also mark the return of Noida’s Vaishavi Sinha, who will be playing her maiden leg of the season.
The tree-lined narrow course of the Delhi Golf Club is ready to test the physical fitness and mental ability of some of the best women professionals in the country.