According to Times of India report, after quitting the on-going Chennai open, Somdev Devvarman will fly out to the United States later this week to consult with doctors in Virginia on his painful right shoulder. The 26 year old player is hopeful to take part in the opening Grand Slam Of the year, held in Melboume on January 16. Somdev reflecting his frustration said, "As with all new injuries you hope that it would go away with a little rest and rehabilitation. I took a cortisone shot (in August), missed a week and then I struggled through the rest of the season. In the Davis Cup against Japan I was at odds. It was a frustrating time, the injury coming after five or six of the best months I had in the game."
According to a report in The Telegraph, Indian tennis player Mahesh Bhupathi was immensely confident of his partner Rohan Bopanna on the ATP tour but as far as London Olympics is concerned, he refuses commenting on the possibilities of competing with the fellow Davis Cupper, as the duo wants to play few matches, to observe what works best for them. “If I am to pick the Olympic team. Yes (I will play with Bopanna). But I do not. We are playing on the tour. That is the focus here. We are at Chennai Open and Olympics is seven months away and Davis Cup is three-and-a-half months away.”
“It is a new partnership with Rohan. It happens on a yearly basis for me. I have played with six different partners during the last five years. It is nothing new for me. I have been successful with all the partners that I have played. Rohan is a top-10 player and has proved in the last two years that he can play at the highest levels.”
According to The Hindu report, Australian pace spearhead James Pattinson enjoying his success in his young test career as he knocked out Sachin wickets. “I'm just loving it,” said the 21-year-old Pattinson, who took four wickets on the first day of the second Test. “I'm loving playing Test cricket for Australia. Getting Sachin out is something I'll remember for the rest of my life. He just seems to have so much time to play.
“It's so hard to get it past him, everything looks so good. He was pretty unlucky, but that's what can happen if you build enough pressure.”