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Sachin joins Abhinav and Salman as India’s goodwill ambassador for Rio Olympics

sachin tendulkar 26New Delhi: Amid controversy that had erupted after Bollywood star Salman Khan was roped in as goodwill ambassador by the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) for the Rio Olympics, the IOA was quick enough request Beijing Olympics gold medallist Abhinav Bindra and cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar to become the goodwill ambassadors in order to encourage the athletes bound for Brazil.

Though Bindra had accepted to associate himself with the national squad a few days ago, Sachin Tendulkar, too, on Tuesday accepted the offer.

In a letter to the Indian Olympic Association, Tendulkar said, "I have had the privilege and honour of representing my nation for 24 years and I continue to bat for India off the field. The welfare of sportspersons and encouraging them to give their best is very dear to me. I strongly believe that the sportspersons from different parts of the country, pursuing their unique skills, are the true ambassadors of the growing sporting culture in this country.”

"Awareness about their struggles, disciple and single-minded focus will help develop many more world beating champions and encourage passionate following of the Olympics in our country. It will be my pleasure to meet these world-class athletes before they leave for Rio to learn about their experiences and preparations. I am also happy to be part of any awareness campaign that can rally the country around our athletes and motivate them, including amplifying their efforts and success on my Twitter and Facebook accounts,” said the Bharat Ratna.

"I am keen to rally enhanced support for our champion athletes. My best wishes to the entire contingent as we look forward to them proudly expressing themselves in Rio,’ he added.


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