Rohtak: The Boxing Federation of India (BFI) on Friday organised the International Boxing Association (AIBA) One-Star certification courses at the National Boxing Academy here.
The certification course, first of its kind in the country, was undertaken simultaneously by 50 coaches and 35 referees and judges.
The programme started last Sunday.
Speaking at the conclusion of the courses, BFI President Ajay Singh said: "The response of AIBA towards the federation has been great. They have shown lot of confidence in us and are willing to jointly hold more Certification Courses and other activities in India in near future."
"I am also glad to see the participation in galore from coaches and RJs. The fraternity here is willing to learn new techniques and guidelines to empower themselves and henceforth the sport."
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"It is surely going to benefit Indian boxing. In fact this marks as the beginning of developing our human resource and knowledge bank. We will now be hosting AIBA two star courses in May-June and 3-star courses in October-November this year," added Singh.