Present day badminton is all about speed: Srikant Bakshi

Srikant Bakshi talks to Rajorshi Moitra of Indian Sports News about how the game has changed over the years, what’s the game has in store for the youngsters, his idol and how he would like to contribute to the game.


ISN: How was the badminton scene 10 years ago and now?
Srikant Bakshi:
It was totally a different game 10 years ago. Then it was a game of style and fitness. Format of badminton has also changed, earlier it was 15 points match but now the format has been revised and has been extended to 21 points. In today’s game, speed matters. Overall, the standard of game has improved since 2000.

ISN: What is your opinion regarding the facilities been provided to you by Delhi Badminton Association?
Srikant Bakshi:
I want to bring into light that without the help of association, we can’t conduct any tournament. In the last 5-6 years, the standard has improved and the prize money has also increased. Delhi Badminton Association is showing great support towards the upbringing of this game, having said that we can see more and more young talent joining this sport.

ISN: When did you start playing badminton and what was your ultimate goal that time?
Srikant Bakshi:
In the beginning, no one knows their ultimate goal. But when I started playing this game, I observed my keen interest in this game, and tried to improve my game further. My hard work came into light when I was around 17 years old and I got selected for the junior Indian team. After that I got selected in the senior team.

ISN: Who is your idol? 
Srikant Bakshi:
Not only me but the whole country is a big fan of Prakash Padukone. He is my real idol. The way Prakash Padukone played and his contribution in badminton is totally commendable.

ISN: How has been your journey so far?
Srikant Bakshi:
I participated in every tournament and represented my country. Just like life, ups and downs are part and parcel of the game. Everyone goes through that. I considered this a very small issue.

ISN: What do you have to say about the present situation of badminton?
Srikant Bakshi:
Association is doing a great job in motivating young players. Nowadays many new Badminton coaching academies have opened up, which was lacking in the past 10 years.

ISN: How would you want to contribute to bring more youngsters in this game?
Srikant Bakshi:
Right now, I am doing job for Railways. My future perspective would be to share or pass my knowledge and experience of badminton to the young talent and to coach them with my maximum effort.