India vs Pakistan: Kohli fined 30 per cent of match fee for showing dissent to umpire’s decision

viratrelaxMirpur: India’s Virat Kohli has been fined 30 per cent of his match fee for breaching Level 1 of the ICC Code of Conduct during his side’s Asia Cup T20 match against Pakistan in Mirpur on Saturday.

The player was found to have breached Article 2.1.5 of the ICC Code of Conduct for Players and Player Support Personnel, which relates to “showing dissent at an umpire’s decision during an international match”.

The incident happened in the 15th over of India’s innings when Kohli, after being given out leg before, displayed dissent by first showing his bat and then leaving the crease while looking back at the umpire and uttering some words that were contrary to the spirit of the game.

On Sunday, Kohli admitted the offence and accepted the sanction proposed by Jeff Crowe of the Emirates Elite Panel of ICC Match Referees. As such, there was no need for a formal hearing.

The charge was levelled by on-field umpires Ruchira Palliyaguruge and Sharfuddoula, third umpire Enamul Haque and fourth official Anisur Rahman.

For all first offences, Level 1 breaches carry a minimum penalty of an official reprimand and a maximum penalty of 50 per cent of a player’s match fee.